For sale - Hommage à Monet par Smudja - Original Illustration

Hommage à Monet par Smudja

Original Illustration
29.7 x 42 cm (11.69 x 16.54 in.)
Price : 600 €  [$]


Gradimir Smudja au meilleur de sa forme !

Illustration représentant Monet dans son jardin de Giverny, étudiant ses fameuses nymphéas.
Réalisée lors de la création de la BD "Au fil de l'Art" tome 2
Format A3


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About Gradimir Smudja

Gradimir Smudja was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia in 1954. He left his home country in 1982 because he wasn't happy with the regime of the time. He worked at a gallery in Switzerland for a while, before moving to Italy, where he produced his 'Vincent & Van Gogh' comic album, that was published by Delcourt in 2003. In this homage to the famous Dutch painter, Smudja showed a great talent for imitating Van Gogh's style. A second book was published in 2010. Text (c) Lambiek

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