In Zenitram  's collection
Hallucinant tramber .. Le Dali à fleur rit des arts preux - Comic Strip

Hallucinant tramber .. Le Dali à fleur rit des arts preux

Comic Strip
Mixed Media
Added on 11/13/14


Sniffer une planche de Tramber , çà vous change un homme !! pour sûr !!

j'aime beaucoup cette méli-mélancolie nucléaire...

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About Tramber

Tramber, whose real name is Bertrand Huon de Kermadec, is a French comic strip artist. His nickname Tramber is a slang translation of his first name Bertrand. He has contributed to the magazines Métal Hurlant, L'Écho des Savanes and Fluide Glacial, among others, and has published numerous comic strips.