Dans la collection de Griffen
Josh Pettinger, Goiter #7 (2022) pg.21 - Planche originale

Goiter #7 (2022) pg.21

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
27.94 x 43.18 cm (11 x 17 in.)


From Victory Squad: Chapter Two featured in Josh Pettinger's one man anthology comic Goiter #7.

Pencil, ink and coffee stain(?) on bristol board.

Inscriptions / Signatures

Josh Pettinger 22


A man escapes both a job at and control under an Amazon like company in control of everything as he searches for some alternative way of living, or on this page just small moment of joy.

I got a good laugh at the fifth panel being from the POV of a hole in wall that the protagonist has made his friend and named Leonard. Also the POV of Leonard is drawn in the same style of the holes Michael would look through at his job that he hated and left, wonderful subtle cartooning as always by Pettinger.

Also as a former smoker this page hits home and when I look at it I kinda want to pick up the habit again...

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