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Flash gordon Sunday 7/26/42 by Alex Raymond - Planche originale

Flash gordon Sunday 7/26/42 by Alex Raymond

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


Nice Flash Gordon from later in the run. It features Flash, a girl, peril, action and a monster. The only thing missing is a rocket ship!. These later Sundays are slightly smaller format that the giant ones from the mid/late 30's. Raymond's style here is more concise like he would later employ on Rip Kirby rather than as painterly as he was on the earl Flash Gordons. The best part of this for me is that it was all in trade. I got rid of my entire comic collection (50+boxes) for this one piece. I know have wall space for more art to hang up!

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A propos de Alex Raymond

Alexandre Gillespie Raymond (dit Alex Raymond) est un dessinateur et scénariste américain de bandes dessinées, qui a notamment créé les comic strip Flash Gordon et Rip Kirby.