In josgonart  's collection
José Maria Taggino, ”Esto pasó” -

”Esto pasó” - "This happened" published newspaper ”La Prensa”

Comic Strip
Signature detail


Original Jose Maria Taggino "Esto pasó" publicado en diario "La Prensa" 1964.
Taggino publicó durante casi veinte años la tira "Esto pasó" en el diario "La Prensa"
En estas tiras se divulgaba en forma amena determinados asuntos históricos, de matiz costumbrista, o trazaban el perfil de figuras poco tenidas en cuenta –cuando no directamente ignorados-, por los textos históricos de mayor relevancia.
En esta tira titulada "historia del fuerte" se refiere a la fundación del fuerte original sobre el que se situa la actual "Casa Rosada" sede del Poder Ejecutivo de la República Argentina.

Original Jose Maria Taggino "This happened" published in the newspaper "La Prensa" 1964.
Taggino published the strip "This happened" in the newspaper "La Prensa" for almost twenty years, between 1964 and 1979.
In these strips, certain historical issues, with a nuance of customs, were disseminated in an entertaining way, or they outlined the profile of figures little taken into account - if not directly ignored - by the most relevant historical texts.
In this strip titled "history of the fort" it refers to the founding of the original fort on which the current "Casa Rosada" headquarters of the Executive Branch of the Argentine Republic is located.


Signed bottom right

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