In cagoince 's collection
Carlos Nine, Donjon Monster

Donjon Monster "crève coeur" planche 10

Comic Strip


  • Crève-Cœur
  • Delcourt
  • 01/2004
  • Page 12

See also:   Dungeon

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About Carlos Nine

Carlos Nine's style can't be classified. His comics and other artworks are filled with strange and deformed characters, human shaped objects and gelatinous structures. His disturbing and grotesque oeuvre was never meant for a mainstream audience, but did earn him wide critical praise. He was active in several artistic fields, including illustration, comic art, painting, sculpting, animation, writing and painting murals. After his studies in Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, he decided to become a professional painter and illustrator, inspired by classical masters like Francisco Goya, Diego Velázquez and Hieronymus Bosch. He soon became an international acclaimed illustrator with a neo-figurative art style, whose work is published in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the States, Europe, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Narratively, he worked in the tradition of Boris Vian and the Argentinean writer Roberto Arlt. His comics work is especially popular in France.