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Martin Gerarghty, Doctor WHO ? Final Chapter - page 2 - Planche originale

Doctor WHO ? Final Chapter - page 2

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
Sans le film du lettrage


Martin Geraghty est un dessinateur anglais prolifique qui travaille sur la série "Doctor Who" ..
j'aime son dessin qui colle bien à la nouvelle et excellent série de la BBC. De très bons récits de SF avec du l'humour et beaucoup d'inventivité.



This is the original Pen & Ink drawing by Martin Geraghty, Robin Smith.

This story featured Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor and Izzy Sinclair as his companion. The story takes place on Gallifrey. The Doctor is forced to enter The Matrix again in order to save himself.

The story was published in Doctor Who Magazine issues 262 - 265, 12th February to 7th May 1988.

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