In Artyfarty 's collection
Ana Juan, Diptych cats (Homenaje a Eduardo Arroyo - Original Illustration

Diptych cats (Homenaje a Eduardo Arroyo

Original Illustration
Mixed Media
Second drawing


Mixed media drawing on a silkscreen made by Eduardo Arroyo. These works were part of the 2018 exhibition Sobras de Arte (= art leftovers), where artist are invited to use leftovers of other artists graphic works and make a new piece of art of it.

In this case the exhibition was dedicated to the artis Eduardo Arroyo who died earlier that year: so Ana Juan took a silkscreen of Arroyo with flies on them and drew the cats onto the silkscreen.

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About Ana Juan

Ana Juan is a female Spanish comics artist. She has drawn a lot for the press and magazines such as Madriz. She was awarded several times and she has held exhibitions at galleries and foundations of great prestige. Her comics, like 'Irina', appeared among others in Medios Revueltos. She also made the silkscreened comic 'El Sombrero de la Calle Carretas' together with Gordillo.