In airiq  's collection
Dessin original AVATAR par J Scott Campbell - Original art

Dessin original AVATAR par J Scott Campbell

Original art
Layout 4


Acheté directement à J Scott Campbell au Comic Con San Diego,

j'ai demandé par hasard s'il vendait des originaux,il a sorti un petit book avec quelques dessins et j'ai craqué en voyant celui-ci qui était vraiment abordable.


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About Jeffrey Scott Campbell

Jeffery Scott Campbell (born April 12, 1973) is an American comic book artist. He was initially known professionally as Jeffery Scott, but is best known as J. Scott Campbell. He rose to fame as an artist for Wildstorm Comics, though he has since done work for Marvel Comics (most notably as a cover artist on The Amazing Spider-Man), and the video game industry.