In kalhua666 's collection
Dédicace de Durieux dans Spirou et Fantasio par... tome 17 (Pacific Palace) - Sketch

Dédicace de Durieux dans Spirou et Fantasio par... tome 17 (Pacific Palace)

Mixed Media


Dédicace de Durieux dans Spirou et Fantasio par... tome 17 (Pacific Palace)

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About Christian Durieux

After his studies in literature, Christian Durieux attended the comics courses of the Institut Saint-Luc in Brussels for two years. With the scenarist Guy Delisle, he made 'La Vie Royale', a short comics biography of André Malraux, in Tintin Reporter in 1989. He also took on several commissions for Duculot. Next, he teamed up with Jean Dufaux, with whom he made the series 'Avel' for Grafica collection of Glénat from 1991 to 1994. After this cycle of four albums, Durieux worked with Dellisse again on the futuristic thriller 'Foudre', published by Lombard between 1996 and 1998. After creating the independent story 'Benito Mambo' at Les Humanoïdes Associés in 1999, Durieux made the first stories of the series 'Columbia' in Spirou (scripts by Jean-Luc Cornette) the same year. In the following year, he produced 'Mobilis', a series written by Andreas and published by Delcourt. In 2000, he returned to the pages of Spirou with the children's comic 'Oscar', written by Denis Lapière. From 2004, he worked on 'La Nuit du Papillon' (Glénat, 2004) and on the surreal story 'Central Park'. He also wrote the script for the children's comic 'Gusgus', which he created with Jean-Luc Englebert between 2007 and 2009. Besides children's comics, Durieux has further developed himself as a graphic novel artist with the diptych 'Les Gens Honnêtes'