In kalhua666 's collection
Vanyda, Dédicace dans

Dédicace dans "Un petit goût de noisette"

Mixed Media


Dédicace dans "Un petit goût de noisette"
Réalisée le 5/12/2015 au BDThon de Lomme

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About Vanyda

Vanyda Savatier was born in Castelnaudary, and studied fine arts in Tournai, Belgium, where she focused on comics. With several fellow students, she founded the assiation Bom Bom Prod, and launched the fanzine Le Porophore. Her stories for this fanzine were collected in an album by Bom Bom Prod. After her graduation, she took part in collective projects for the publisher Pétit à Pétit, and began the series 'L'Année du Dragon' with François Duprat at Éditions Carabas. In 2004, Vanyda wrote and drew 'L'Immeuble d'en Face' at the publishing house La Boîte à Bulles.