In lepez78 's collection
Olivier Martin, Sylvain Runberg, Dédicace dans

Dédicace dans "Cases Blanches"

Colored Pencil


Dédicace dans "Cases Blanches"
Réalisée le 28/11/2015 au salon de la BD de Rumes ( Belgique )

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About Olivier Martin

Olivier Martin did several art studies, and began his career in several fanzines with his academy friends (known as the "group of Nantes"). He won the first prize at the comics festival of Perros Guirrec in 1996. He joined the atelier La Boîte, where he met his future scenarist Eric Omond. He did his first mini album along with Olivier Supiot in 1998, the 1001 Nights inspired 'Erzorum'. Supiot also helped Martin on the first episode of 'Sang et Encre', a series written by Omond and published at Delcourt. With Philippe Menvielle, he began the 'Crypto' series in 2004.