In JEM 's collection
Arturo Del Castillo, De hombres y moscas / Uomini e mosche (plancha 7) - Comic Strip

De hombres y moscas / Uomini e mosche (plancha 7)

Comic Strip
circa 1984
27.7 x 39.3 cm (10.91 x 15.47 in.)
Added on 4/22/23
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Arturo Pérez del Castillo (Concepción, Chile, 1925 - Buenos Aires, 1992). Plancha original (nº 7 de 8) para el episodio titulado De hombres y moscas (Uomini e mosche). Tinta china (aplicada fundamentalmente con plumilla) sobre cartulina de dibujo. Color directo con acuarela. Uso de gouache (para correciones y creación de efectos). Empleo de materiales (trapos, esponja) para obtener texturas. Dimensiones: 39,3 x 27,7 cm.

La historia a la que pertenece la plancha (con guión de Guillermo Saccomanno) fue publicada en, al menos, tres revistas: en el nº 26 de L'Eternauta (mayo 1984), en el nº 28, año XII, de Lanciostory (25/07/1986) y en el nº 121 de Super Skorpio (1986). Ignoro en qué lengua fue escrito originalmente el guión, pero a juzgar por la cronología de las citadas revistas parece que se publicó primeramente en italiano (L'Eternauta y Lanciostory) y luego en español (Super Skorpio).

Creo que la pieza tiene gran interés, pues no es habitual encontrarse con originales de Arturo del Castillo en color, dado que la mayor parte del material que circula de este autor chileno está en blanco y negro.

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NOTA: grazie mille, Francesco, per questa bellissima tavola che mi piace moltissimo!

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About Arturo Del Castillo

Arturo Pérez Del Castillo was born in Concepcion, Chile. He started working for an advertising agency, but eventually joined his brother Jorge Perez del Castillo in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1948. He got a job as a letterer and illustrator with Editorial Columba and its magazine Aventuras, and remained affiliated with the publisher until the mid 1950s. He did his first work for for the comic weekly Aventuras, and a year later, he also created comic strips for the magazines Intervalo and El Tony. He quickly became famous for his skillful and detailed penwork, mainly for western comics. Del Castillo's most famous work is the Hector Oesterheld scripted 'Randall: the Killer' series, that commenced publication in Hora Cero in 1957. Del Castillo refined his graphic style even further and other important works followed. He joined the Italian agency of Rinaldo Dami and from the late 1950s throughout the 1960s. He mainly worked for the British publisher Fleetway, starting with a number of comic strip adaptations of Alexandre Dumas novels, including 'The Three Musketeers' and 'The Man in the Iron Mask'. Text (c) Lambiek