In Makimara  's collection
Gene Colan, Bud Larosa, Daredevil #370 page 1 par Gene COLAN, signée - Comic Strip

Daredevil #370 page 1 par Gene COLAN, signée

Comic Strip
28 x 43 cm (11.02 x 16.93 in.)
Cachet de l'encreur Bud LaRosa au dos
Couverture du Daredevil 370
Version publiée de la page 1


Un dernier cigare pour les ex-soldats soviétiques tandis que la Veuve Noire est torturée dans les cales du bateau approchant l'Amérique... Page d'ouverture du Daredevil # 370 par le grand Gene Colan.

"Widow's Kiss" conclusion, and opening page of Daredevil #370. An old Soviet freighter is approaching New York... Mikhail and Nicholai remember the past and the changes in their lives going by, while The Black Widow is trapped inside the boat and tortured by General Tskarov aka Snow Wolf... One last Cuban cigar for the ex-Soviet Soldiers before entering the US.
Signed by Gene Colan at the bottom of the page. Very small paste-ups on the faces (chin and forehead) with white-out and re-inking of the chin, and a Bud LaRosa Demon signature Red Stamp on the back of the board.


Signée (en bas au centre) par Gene Colan, tampon rouge en forme de démon / gargouille avec la signature de l'encreur Bud LaRosa au dos


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About Gene Colan

Eugene Jules "Gene" Colan was an American comic book artist best known for his work for Marvel Comics, where his signature titles include the superhero series Daredevil, the cult-hit satiric series Howard the Duck, and The Tomb of Dracula, considered one of comics' classic horror series.