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Couverture - Zio Paperone 74 - Jeunesse de Picsou
25 x 35 cm (9.84 x 13.78 in.)
Added on 11/10/24
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Marco Rota - "Zio Paperone n. 74", 1995
Couverture originale réalisée par Marco Rota pour Zio Paperone / Oncle Picsou n. 74 de novembre 1995. Œuvre inspirée de la célèbre aventure "The New Laird of Castle McDuck", épisode de La Jeunesse de Picsou de Don Rosa.
Code de l'histoire IC ZP 74
Origine Italie
Format couverture
Kenneth Picsou (head), Oncle Picsou, Sir Emeric Mc Picsou (head), Sir Francis McPicsou (head), Sir William Mc Picsou (head), Sire Quackly (head)
Art (crayonné et encrage) Marco Rota
Date de première publication novembre 1995
Fait référence à D 92191 (Le nouveau maître du château McPicsou)
matita e china su cartoncino, 25 x 35 cm
Originale di copertina realizzato da Rota per Zio Paperone n. 74 del novembre 1995. Opera ispirata alla celebre avventura "Il nuovo proprietario del castello De‘ Paperoni" (The New Laird of Castle McDuck), celebre episodio de La Saga di Paperon de‘ Paperoni di Don Rosa.
pencil and ink on thin cardboard. Original cover made by Rota for Uncle Paperone n. 74 of November 1995. Artwork inspired by the famous adventure "The New Laird of Castle McDuck", a famous episode of The Saga of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa.
Couverture originale réalisée par Marco Rota pour Zio Paperone / Oncle Picsou n. 74 de novembre 1995. Œuvre inspirée de la célèbre aventure "The New Laird of Castle McDuck", épisode de La Jeunesse de Picsou de Don Rosa.
Code de l'histoire IC ZP 74
Origine Italie
Format couverture
Kenneth Picsou (head), Oncle Picsou, Sir Emeric Mc Picsou (head), Sir Francis McPicsou (head), Sir William Mc Picsou (head), Sire Quackly (head)
Art (crayonné et encrage) Marco Rota
Date de première publication novembre 1995
Fait référence à D 92191 (Le nouveau maître du château McPicsou)
matita e china su cartoncino, 25 x 35 cm
Originale di copertina realizzato da Rota per Zio Paperone n. 74 del novembre 1995. Opera ispirata alla celebre avventura "Il nuovo proprietario del castello De‘ Paperoni" (The New Laird of Castle McDuck), celebre episodio de La Saga di Paperon de‘ Paperoni di Don Rosa.
pencil and ink on thin cardboard. Original cover made by Rota for Uncle Paperone n. 74 of November 1995. Artwork inspired by the famous adventure "The New Laird of Castle McDuck", a famous episode of The Saga of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa.
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About Marco Rota
Marco Rota started his career in 1958 as an illustrator of adventure comics for Dardo publishers. He drew 'Steve Morgan il Trappolatore' in Collana Scudo, as well as humorous comics in Tarzanetto. Four years later, he was hired by Mondadori, the publisher of the Italian Disney magazine Topoplino. He became one of the editors of Topolino, as well as one of the most notable artists. As a "Duck artist", Rota excels for his beautiful backgrounds and panoramic city views.
His most notable work is the 'Mac Paperini' ('Andold Wild Duck') series, where Donald is portrayed as a Scotisch lord. Later on, Rota took on some 'Mickey Mouse' comics, in which he reverted to Floyd Gottredson's classic stories. In 1984, he wrote and drew 'Buon compleanno, Paperino!', a slightly controversial look on Donald's birth and childhood.
From 1974 to 1988, he was editor-in-chief of the Italian Disney publications. When Italy's Disney properties were transferred from Mondadori to the Disney Company, Rota continued to draw Duck stories for the Danish publisher Egmont.
In addition to doing Disney stories, Rota drew some apocryphal stories of 'Superman-Nembo Kid' and 'Batman' for Mondadori between 1963 and 1966. In 1966, he began a collaboration with the magazine ABC, for which he drew two weekly pages of the satirical soft-erotic series 'Justine'.
In the 1990s, he has illustrated some comics with 'Calim