Artwork for sale by ReneD 
For sale - Yves Chaland, Jean Solé, Fabrice Lamy, Chaland, Sole, Lamy - Illu for Lyon - Original Illustration

Chaland, Sole, Lamy - Illu for Lyon

Original Illustration
circa 1985
42 x 29 cm (16.54 x 11.42 in.)
Price : 1,950 €  [$]


Illustration done for the city of Lyon. On the original of Chaland first were put stats of Moebius and 1 other artist, but later these stats were removed and Sole and Lamy added drawings - original this time.
Quite a unique piece! Especially Yves Chaland drawings of Albert are hard to find.
There is a small rip left under.


Signed by all 3 artists

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About Yves Chaland

Yves Chaland was a French cartoonist. During the 1980s, together with Luc Cornillon, Serge Clerc and Floc'h, he launched the Atomic style, a stylish remake of the Marcinelle School in Franco-Belgian comics.