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Cerebus page par Dave Sim - Planche originale

Cerebus page

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


Cerebus 61, page 13. From Church and State story.


Weisshaupt, an arrogant but not-too-successful master manipulator, is one of my favorite characters in the Cerebus saga. He is of course based on Adam Weishaupt, founder and leader of the Illuminati secret society, created in Ingolstadt in Bavaria 1776. This historical role has of made him chief villain in thousands of conspiracy theories, both ancient and modern. For instance, he is the chief villain in the French counter-revolutionary emigrant Abbé Barruel´ s book Mémoires pour servir à l' histoire du jacobinisme from 1797-98. In this infamous work Weishaupt is depicted as the secret instigator and manipulator of the French Revolution.
At this point, the Cerebus series had great dialog and characters, but the artwork had very sparse backgrounds. This was soon to change though.

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A propos de Dave Sim

Dave Sim, né le 17 mai 1956 à Hamilton, dans l'Ontario, est un auteur canadien de bande dessinée. Il est notamment l'auteur de la célèbre bande dessinée Cerebus, exceptionnelle fresque de 300 numéros réalisés entre 1977 et 2004.

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