Dans la collection de Joao
Hermann Huppen, Bois Maury T4 Reinhardt page 9 by Hermann - Planche originale

Bois Maury T4 Reinhardt page 9 by Hermann

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


One of the best pages of the whole series for me, just love it, thank you so much Hermann! I feel extremely lucky to be its proud owner and I never get tired of admiring it.

Inscriptions / Signatures

Signed twice by Hermann in the right upper panel


When I was trying to find the page I wanted from Bois Mauray I selected from all the pages the 6 I would love the most to have, fortunately this one was one of those six that I had the good fortune to buy and it is ever since one of my favorite artworks in my collection. A special thanks to Hermann that made it possible to happen.

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