In AVTBOB 's collection
Chic Young, Alex Raymond, Blondie Daily strip

Blondie Daily strip "For the Count of Nine", 24 octobre 1932

Comic Strip


Blondie fait une farce à la mère de Dagwood qui s'oppose à l'union de son fils avec Blondie. Une critique féroce de la haute bourgeoisie américaine de l'entre-deux guerres...


Chic Young 10-24

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About Chic Young

Murat Bernard "Chic" Young (January 9, 1901 – March 14, 1973) was an American cartoonist who created the comic strip Blondie. His 1919 William McKinley High School Yearbook cites his nickname as Chicken, source of his familiar pen name and signature. According to King Features Syndicate, Young had a daily readership of 52 million. Stan Drake, who drew Blondie in the 1980s and 1990s, stated that Young "has to go down in history as one of the geniuses of the industry".