In YLB  's collection
Adrian Tomine, Blonde platine (Summer blonde) - page 102 - Comic Strip

Blonde platine (Summer blonde) - page 102

Comic Strip
circa 2001
Mixed Media


Planche originale du récit "alerte à la bombe", initialement publié dans Optic nerve n°8 en 2001, puis dans le recueil Summer blonde en 2002 (Blonde platine en 2003).

Adrian Tomine livre le portrait sensible d’une génération en quête d’identité. A travers des personnages paumés, il pose sur l’Amérique un regard tantôt désabusé, tantôt lucide. De ces histoires ordinaires d’ambitions ratées, se dégage un parfum doux-amer.

Quant à la patte graphique réaliste, toujours aussi sobre et élégante, elle s’adapte parfaitement à ce contexte en noir et blanc.


  • Blonde platine
  • Seuil
  • 04/2003
  • Interior page
  • Summer blonde
  • Drawn & Quarterly
  • 10/2002
  • Interior page
  • N°8
  • Drawn & Quarterly
  • 09/2001
  • Interior page

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About Adrian Tomine

Adrian Tomine was born in Sacramento, California. At the age of twelve, he discovered the comic 'Love and Rockets' by the Hernandez Brothers and was heavily influenced by their work. In 1991, while still in high school, he started writing and drawing fictional and autobiographical stories, which he published in his first mini-comic 'Optic Nerve'. A year later, he was hired by Pulse! Magazine to produce a monthly comic strip and a few years and six mini-comics later, publisher Drawn & Quarterly offered him to produce 'Optic Nerve' as a regular comic series. Tomine won the Harvey Award for Best New Talent for this work. Since then, Tomine's art appeared in several magazines, including The New Yorker. Stories from 'Optic Nerve' have been adapted and performed on stage by the Inertia Ensemble in Chicago and his art has been featured by Drawn & Quarterly exhibitions in Portugal, Holland, Finland, Canada and the USA. In addition to his more than ten issues of 'Optic Nerve', Drawn & Quarterly also published the book collections '32 Stories' (a collection of his mini-comics, 1995) and 'Sleepwalk and Other Stories' (1997), as well as his graphic novels 'Summer Blond' (2002) and 'Shortcommings' (2007). Text (c) Lambiek