Beetle bailey by Mort Walker - Comic Strip

Beetle bailey

Comic Strip


Strip apparemment inédit, je pense qu'il s'est pris une tasse de café sur le bas :D

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About Mort Walker

Mort Walker was one of the best known gag-a-day cartoonists in the world. He created three long-running and famous newspaper comics, among them his signature series 'Beetle Bailey' (1950), about the most incompetent military base ever. He and Dik Browne furthermore co-created the spin-off family comic 'Hi and Lois' (1954). Walker also launched 'Boner's Ark' (1968), starring a modern-day Noah crossing the ocean with a bunch of animals aboard his ship. The artist additionally wrote less famous series like 'Mrs. Fits' Flats' (1952-1972) for Frank Roberge, 'The Evermores' (1982-1986) for Johnny Sajem and his own 'Gamin and Patches' (1985-1986). Walker's comedy is gentle and family friendly, which guaranteed him worldwide and enduring success. However, he and Jerry Dumas also co-created a more eccentric gag-a-day comic which is more beloved with comics fans than the general public: 'Sam's Strip' (1961-1963), which was continued as 'Sam and Silo' in 1977. And then there are, of course, the infamous "dirty" versions of his own 'Beetle Bailey', which were never published in the US, but published freely in Scandinavia. Mort Walker was not only a creative spirit in comedy, but he also loved his profession. He wrote various essays and books about comics. He was the first to think up names for comics symbols and imagery which had previously remained unnamed.