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Batman # 623 page 3 par Eduardo Risso - Planche originale

Batman # 623 page 3

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


A personal favorite of mine, and a page that simply got everything i love about Risso´s Batman - And not to mention a fast moving female villain, with the name of "Little Boy", kicking Batman around in a fish storage with an atmosphere that most easy can be desribed as somewhere deep in the heart of Chinatown...

A page with some beautifully inked Batman poses from an extraordinary Batman universe by the black and white master, and nine panels definitely worth a closer look.

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A propos de Eduardo Risso

Eduardo Risso est un dessinateur de bande dessinée argentin. Son œuvre la plus connue est la série 100 bullets avec le scénariste Brian Azzarello, pour le label Vertigo.

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