Dans la collection de Mario1968
Avengers #1 Cover(The Heroic Age),Xerox copy ,pencil art before ink,(Thor-version 1),John Romita Sr. - Couverture originale

Avengers #1 Cover(The Heroic Age),Xerox copy ,pencil art before ink,(Thor-version 1),John Romita Sr.

Couverture originale
Avengers #1 Cover,Xerox copy , (Thor-version 2),John Romita Sr.


A Xerox copy of John Romita's 11 by 17 inch pencils (before Romita finished with ink) showing both versions of Thor with the other characters(look the additional image)...nice little bonus:........some ink work from Romita on the pencil copy,ink on Shield from Cap,Thor's hand and his (Mjolnir)Hammer and on the Wolvie claws +some pencil on Spidey. so i have a extra original art from Romita , a xerox copy but with some original ink+pencil.
the copy is near 11X17.

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A propos de John Romita

John Romita est un dessinateur de comics américain. À partir de 1966, il est en particulier le dessinateur de The amazing Spider-Man, succédant à Steve Ditko. Il reste sur la série jusqu'au début des années 1970.