Dans la collection de comixfan 
Moebius, Jean Giraud, Geof Darrow, City of Fire illustration - Illustration originale

City of Fire illustration

Illustration originale
Peinture - acrylique


Illustration from City of Fire. Pencils by Geof Darrow and Moebius inking and colors. I have had this piece for a number of years. When I first got it, I was not sure if it was 100% original or not. The colors are original. There are pencil marks on the piece. The inks are so delicate that it is hard to tell if they are printed or actual inks, even under a big magnifying glass. When I first got the piece, I was told it was colored by Arno but I have not seen that credit anywhere else. I have recently been told that Moebius did the inks and colors on this. If that is the case, I would think the inks would be original too. Regardless, a beautiful illustration by two comic greats.

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A propos de Moebius

Jean Giraud, connu sous son vrai nom et sous les pseudonymes Moebius et Gir est un auteur français de bande dessinée. Sous le pseudonyme de Moebius, il est l'auteur et/ou le dessinateur de bandes dessinées fantastiques qui lui valent une reconnaissance internationale jusqu'aux États-Unis et au Japon, habituellement peu réceptifs à la bande dessinée européenne.