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Elektra Saga #4 Cover by Frank Miller - Couverture originale

Elektra Saga #4 Cover by Frank Miller

Couverture originale
Encre de Chine


This was a big piece for me on many levels. As there can only be one holy grail, this is not it but not far behind.

I started reading comics at a young age and it was all Asterix, Tintin, Lucky Luke, ducks and Looney Toons which explains a lot of what I collect. I didn't read superhero comics until I started to collect years later (age 13). My first comic was Daredevil 200, the fight issue between Bullseye and DD with Elektra's sais being thrown around (see my
DD gallery on CAF for great pages from this issue). That is where I started and I have remained a DD fan since. I used allowance, work, christmas, report card money and loose change to buy comics. I read Elektra Saga (reprints the original Elektra run on DD with a few added continuity pages) before having read the original source material. So my first introduction to Elektra were the Elektra Saga books. At that time I was into martial art, loved reading about ninja's, Bruce Lee and was getting into girls. Elektra had all that and more and did it so well. I had torn out the pin-up pages from Elektra Saga to put up on my walls and so I grew up with these pieces every day and they are still ingrained in my psyche as well as the Sienkiewicz Elektra poster which I also had up. I had a cool display set up with these pin-ups and some real sais on my wall.

The cover to issue #4 of Elektra Saga was my favorite. So much so that for a grade 7 art project on color through pointillism I recreated it with a Korean flag in the background (I was in Hap Ki Do at the time) and this piece got me entered into a city wide art contest which I did well in and was invited to a special arts workshop. At that time in my life, I thought I was going into a career in art, design and fashion. I thought I still had the piece of art around but so far my search has not turned it up yet. If it does, I will add a scan of it to this entry.

Needless to say, this piece hits all the nostalgia buttons for me. In some ways I think this piece has been trying to find me since I was 13 and it took 34 years for it to do so but now that it is mine, all seems right in the world.

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A propos de Frank Miller

Frank Miller est un auteur de bandes dessinées, scénariste de films et réalisateur américain connu pour ses histoires de bandes dessinées comme Ronin, Batman: Dark Knight, Daredevil: Born Again, Batman : Année Une, Sin City et 300 dont certaines ont été adaptées au cinéma.