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Bouncer 7 page by Francois Boucq - Illustration originale

Bouncer 7 page by Francois Boucq

Illustration originale
Encre de Chine


I have enjoyed the Bouncer series to date. I have not read past the first 5 as I have not seen them translated yet. The search for a page has been ongoing for a few years and I think I found the right one here with Bouncer, his dog, his horse, a girl and a beautiful panoramic Western vista. Parfaite!

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A propos de François Boucq

Boucq, de son vrai nom François Boucq, est un dessinateur de bande dessinée français. Il a reçu en 1998 le grand prix de la ville d'Angoulême, qui récompense l'ensemble de sa carrière.