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Bijou Funnies #4 page 5 by Robert Crumb - Illustration originale

Bijou Funnies #4 page 5 by Robert Crumb

Illustration originale
Encre de Chine


Crumb at his best/worst. This is certainly not a page that will be to everyone's taste. I think to understand it and appreciate it you really have to know Crumb's work and have an familiarity with the irreverence and ambitions of the underground comic scene circa 1970. I already had a nice Crumb page and so in getting a second, I wanted something different and more challenging. This is it, a page that will not go on my wall but should.

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A propos de Robert Crumb

Robert Crumb est un auteur de bande dessinée américain, et un musicien compositeur, né à Philadelphie. C'est l'une des figures de proue du comix underground d'inspiration libertaire, bande dessinée alternative plutôt destinée aux jeunes adultes qu'aux enfants, depuis la fin des années 1960 et ses premières publications dans Zap Comix.