Original art : 1 - 3 on 3

Wolverine (vol.2) - The Black Blade - Issue 3 p15

Interior page
John Buscema (Penciller) Al Williamson (Inker)
Added by FanDePlanches - 3/25/23 225 , 0 , 0  

Wolverine (vol.2) - The Black Blade - Issue 3 p4

Interior page
John Buscema (Penciller) Al Williamson (Inker)
Added by FanDePlanches - 3/25/23 237 , 1 , 0  

Wolverine (vol.2) - The Black Blade - Issue 3 p9

Interior page
John Buscema (Penciller) Al Williamson (Inker)
Added by FanDePlanches - 3/25/23 397 , 0 , 1  

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