Dans la collection de RAB71
Dave Gibbons, Alan Moore, John Higgins, Watchmen - Chapter VII, page 18. - Planche originale

Watchmen - Chapter VII, page 18.

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


A lovely nine panel page with no text from Watchmen by Dave Gibbons.

Dan goes for an early morning stroll to look at his Nite Owl suit after awakening from a nuclear bomb explosion nightmare and a failed fling on the couch with Laurie. Dan feels powerless and impotent... time to try some goggles on...

A great page containing the nine panel grid and no text whatsoever. It's signed and inscribed by Dave Gibbons, "To John, with thanks and best wishes, Dave Gibbons" as this was originally a gift from the artist to the colourist John Higgins. John has also signed the page in pencil.

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A propos de Dave Gibbons

Dave Gibbons est un scénariste et dessinateur de comics britannique. Il dessine de nombreuses couvertures et des récits pour quasiment tous les personnages de DC. En 1986, il collabore avec Alan Moore sur la série limitée Watchmen qui révolutionne les comics.