Dans la collection de RAB71
John Higgins, Watchmen #3 Cover, Original Hand Coloured Artwork. - Couverture originale

Watchmen #3 Cover, Original Hand Coloured Artwork.

Couverture originale
Peinture - acrylique
Colouring with acetate overlay copy of original artwork.
Cover as published.
Copy of original artwork as used on acetate overlay.


This is John Higgins original colouring for Watchmen issue 3 - The Judge Of All The Earth. His airbrush work is on top of a blue line copy of the original Dave Gibbons artwork. An acetate overlay with the same original line work printed in black is overlaid to complete the final piece. The hand coloured area measures 6" x 12" and is signed by John. It also features in John's book, Beyond Watchmen & Judge Dredd (page 54).

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A propos de John Higgins

John Higgins naît à Liverpool. À l'âge de quinze ans, il déménage pour Singapour où il commence à étudier le dessin. de retour en Angleterre, il suit des études au Wallasey Art College. En 1990 il entame une carrière d'illustrateur en dessinant des couvertures de romans de science-fiction. En 1992, il dessine et co-scénarise la mini-série World Whitout end publiée par DC Comics. Il travaille aussi pour le magazine 2000 AD et dessine des histoires mettant en scène Judge Dredd.