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Adrian Smith, Warhammer 40k : Pawns of Chaos - Illustration originale

Warhammer 40k : Pawns of Chaos

Illustration originale
Peinture - acrylique
29.4 x 46.5 cm (11.57 x 18.31 in.)


Original novel cover published by the Black Library in April 2001 representing Gavalon, the most powerful sorcerer on the planet Sigmatus and leader of the forces against the Imperium, Hycilla, the wise dreamer girl (a psyker) and in the background the Changer of Ways, Lord of Change, Architect of Fate, also known as Tzeentch.

Published in The Art of Adrian Smith (full page 93)

Inscriptions / Signatures

Signed on the right end side


An early text from the Black Library which bridges the gap between Warhammer Fantasy and 40k. Probably one of the strangest and most subtle among all the novels. The Chaos is described in a unique way, so clearly and intimately that will turn your mind upside down. A moral dilemma turns the plot : how the rebel cultists perceive the Imperium who destroy their way of life. We understand that the good guys are not those we might have thought until the final twist.

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A propos de Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith est un illustrateur et concepteur graphique Anglais, célèbre pour avoir été l’un des pionniers de la « Dark fantasy ». Il se fait connaître dans les années 90 en dessinant l’univers de "Warhammer" pour Games Workshop. Après des collaborations avec Wizards (Magic the Gathering) et de nombreuses publications chez Black Library, Adrian Smith devient auteur de bandes dessinées en réalisant une série avec le célèbre scénariste Pat Mills, "Bröz".