In Doyle 's collection
Sam Peffer, Under the Doctor (1976) - Original Illustration

Under the Doctor (1976)

Original Illustration


Original movie poster painting by Sam Peffer used in cinema front-of-house displays for the 1976 movie, ‘Under the Doctor’, a British sex comedy about a doctor, a bevy of beautiful women and their sexual problems . . . “ Can the overworked and over-titillated doctor help his patients while resisting the urge to help himself?”

Basically a non-pornographic skin-flick starring light-comedy actor Barry Evans and a host of topless British actresses! Lame stuff by modern standards, but popular with adult audiences of the time looking for a bit sex and nudity to spice up their movie visits.

This artwork previously contained a tissue overlay containing movie title, cast and production credits. Pretty useless to use as was. Thanks to an American friend, Lloyd Braddy (a print-maker capable of working magic on projects such as this one), an new overlay was created that incorporates all the text material onto a clear overlay. A great piece of work . . . thanks again, Lloyd!

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About Sam Peffer

Samuel John Peffer was a British commercial artist who designed film posters, paperback book covers and the covers of home videos. His best known work was for the covers of the paperback James Bond novels published by Pan Books in the 1950s and 1960s, for which he created a consistent and distinctive style.

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