In Luc Cornillon  's collection
Trois des Chindits by Maxime Roubinet - Comic Strip

Trois des Chindits

Comic Strip


Une histoire publiée en decembre 1962 dans Cap.7 n°47

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About Maxime Roubinet

Maxime Roubinet was a French comics artist from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. He has drawn for a variety of pocket publications, such as 'Ajax' (1964-1968) and 'Trois des Chindiths'. He drew the 'Prince Loyal' series for Hemma Chaix publishers in the 1950s. For Coquelicot magazine, he produced 'La Guerre de Mars n'aura pas Lieu' and for Hérox magazine 'Le Disparu de l'Amazonie' (1949). He wrote several episodes of 'Zorro' for Jean Pape, and for the periodical publications of Zorro, he illustrated 'Stan Burk' (1953) and 'Altitude moins 3200'.