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Torchy 1943 by Bill Ward - Planche originale

Torchy 1943 by Bill Ward

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


The Torchy comic strip was created by Bill Ward and was originally produced for the Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, NY Army Base newspaper. It later saw syndication in the US Army newspapers around the world. After the war, Will Eisner contacted Bill Ward about producing a Torchy feature that later ran in Doll Man Quarterly and later moved onto Miltary Comics before moving into its own title. Torchy was one of the comics Fredric Werthem deemed most corruptive of the minds of the youth and it was discontinued. This strip featuring Torchy Todd was from those early Fort Hamilton years and was signed by Bill in 1980 where he included that he drew this strip in 1943. Another part of an amicable deal with the brothers Donnelly at San Diego 2018.

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A propos de Bill Ward

William Hess Ward, plus connu sous le nom de Bill Ward, était un dessinateur (cartooniste) américain, réputé comme illustrateur, dessinateur de good girl art (en) et de pin-up. Il doit notamment sa renommée en tant que créateur du personnage de comics suggestif Torchy (en).

Autres planches originales et illustrations liées à Bill Ward :