Dans la collection de occultis 
Studios Hergé, Tintin Eurosignal commercial - Planche originale

Tintin Eurosignal commercial

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
B&w published version
Colored published version
Framed together with the published strip.


This was published as a commercial for the Eurosignal phone system in 1977. It was published in Metal Hurlant 63 and presented in the French Tintin magazine in 1979 (No. 212N). It is also published and presented in Goddin´ s Hergé Chronologie Vol. 7, p.382-383.
I would have guessed this is mainly Bob de Moor, with some involvement by Hergé himself. But in the Tintin 212N article it is explicitely presented as a piece created by Hergé (as opposed to a Studio piece presented in the same article), and pure Hergé is the impression one gets from reading Goddin as well.
Anyway, quite an interesting piece for Tintin fans, I think.


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A propos de Studios Hergé

Les Studios Hergé de 1950 à 1986 était la société d'Hergé qui, entouré de ses collaborateurs, avaient pour mission d'élaborer et de créer l'œuvre d'Hergé notamment les Aventures de Tintin ainsi que ses produits dérivés. De 1986 à 2006, les studios Hergé deviennent la Fondation Hergé (ASBL). À partir de 2006, la Fondation retrouve un statut de société, elle prend le nom de Studios Hergé.