Dans la collection de Doyle
Tom Chantrell, This is My Street (1964) - movie poster painting (prototype) - Illustration originale

This is My Street (1964) - movie poster painting (prototype)

Illustration originale
Peinture - acrylique
Printed poster (with censored cleavage!)


Prototype movie poster painting very close to the finished version with little discernable differences (see additional image).

"Battersea housewife Margery (June Ritchie) lives a life of drudgery in a working class terrace with her feckless husband (Mike Pratt) and her small daughter. Lodging next door with her mother is Harry (Ian Hendry), a flashy salesman and nightclub owner who repeatedly attempts to seduce Marge. At first showing little interest, Marge finally gives in after he helps find her missing daughter. Harry eventually tires of Marge, and turns his attentions to her younger, educated sister, Jinny (Annette Andre). Marge though, is infatuated, and when she discovers Harry plans to marry her sister, she attempts to kill herself – leaving a suicide note exposing her affair with Harry."

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