Dans la collection de Skalda73
Jack Kirby, Mike Royer, The best of DC #22 (Sandman n.#7 p.9) - Planche originale

The best of DC #22 (Sandman n.#7 p.9)

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


The Sandman of the 1970s was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. [...] In the final Fleischer-Kirby-created adventure (intended for The Sandman #7 but published in The Best of DC #22)[4] he even assists the legendary Santa Claus against a menacing band of Seal Men who are angry about being sent the wrong gifts during the previous Christmas.
Originally scheduled to be published in The Sandman (DC, 1974 series) #7, and then scheduled to be integrated into a 25-page story in Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth (DC, 1972 series) #61, but both comics were cancelled before these issues were published.

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A propos de Jack Kirby

Jack Kirby, né Jacob Kurtzberg le 28 août 1917 à New York et mort le 6 février 1994 à Thousand Oaks en Californie, est un des artistes les plus influents, célèbres et prolifiques de la bande dessinée américaine. Surnommé « the King of Comics » (« le Roi de la bande dessinée »), il est à l'origine de nombreuses séries qui marquèrent l'histoire des comics américains.