In Marvelman 's collection
Gil Kane, The amazing Spiderman Annual #24 - Big Trouble for Little Spidey! - Comic Strip

The amazing Spiderman Annual #24 - Big Trouble for Little Spidey!

Comic Strip


Gorgeous, action packed prelim page in pencil & marker pen from The Amazing Spiderman Annual,"Spidey's Totally Tiny Adventure", co-starring Antman & published in 1990. Some great armoured bad guy poses and brilliant shrinking multiple Antman images!

Really lovely Kane prelim from the height of Kane's illustrative powers, sketched on thin paper 7" x 11" in size, which would have been projected and lightboxed for the inker to finish off - Rudy Nebres in this case. Great as Nebres' inks were, I much prefer the 'pure Kane' in the prelim.


Stunning, action-packed prelim.

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About Gil Kane

Gil Kane, born Eli Katz, was an American comic book artist whose career spanned the 1940s to the 1990s and every major comics company and character. Kane co-created the modern-day versions of the superheroes Green Lantern and the Atom for DC Comics, and co-created Iron Fist with Roy Thomas for Marvel Comics.