In Zibbhebu  's collection
Luciano Bernasconi, Tex Willer - Planche mystère - Comic Strip

Tex Willer - Planche mystère

Comic Strip
Les cases du bas de la planche non saisies lors du scan, la planche étant trop grande


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Voici une planche mystère parce qu'à ma connaissance, Luciano Bernasconi (qui signait aussi Lube ou Saint-Germain pour ses travaux érotiques) n'a jamais réalisé une histoire de Tex Willer. Cela ne signifie pas pour autant que l'univers de ce personnage lui soit étranger: il a été chargé des crayonnés de l'épisode Oltre la frontiera (numéros 375/376), l'encrage étant effectué par Raffaele Della Monica mais surtout il a dessiné de nombreuses couvertures mettant en scène Tex pour le petit format Rodéo (éditions Lug). Alors exercice de style ou projet avorté ?


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About Luciano Bernasconi

Luciano Bernasconi is an Italian comic book artist born in Rome. In the early 1960s, he worked for fellow artist Carlo Cedroni's Studio Barbato, Editions Lug in France, and Edizioni Europer in Rome. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Bernasconi became one of Lug's major artists, co-creating a number of major characters such as Wampus, Kabur and Phenix and also Ami Barry, L'Autre, Billy Boyd, Bob Lance, Comte de Saint-Germain, Frères Thunderbolt, Gladiateur de Bronze, Jean Girodet, Jeff Sullivan, Kit Kappa, Sibilla, Starlock and Waki. In the 1980s, Bernasconi's work appeared in Il Giornalino and he contributed erotic comics to Edifumetto in Milan. He also joined the team of artists working for Il Messaggero. In the 1990s, he worked on Gordon Linch and had work published in magazines like Intrepido, Crimen (including an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes), and made a comic adaptation of the erotic novel 'Gamiani. In 2000, he returned to Kabur, Phenix and Wampus for Semic Comics, the successor of Editions Lug. In 2004, he teamed up with other writers and artists to reclaim the rights to his characters under the banner of Hexagon Comics. He recently collaborated on Djustine.