In Luc Cornillon  's collection
Tex Tone by Manuel Lopez Blanco - Comic Strip

Tex Tone

Comic Strip


Épisode «Le Sauveur », publié en 1969 dans le N° 293 de Tex-Tone.
Lopez Blanco était un encreur étonnant.

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About Manuel Lopez Blanco

Manuel Lopez Blanco was an artist on 1960s series like 'El Coloso' (later retitled to 'Príncipe de Rodas') for Editorial Maga and 'Las Aventuras del FBI' for Editorial Rollán. He was also a collaborator of Drácula magazine, and the creator of famous characters like 'Tex Tone'. He is founder of the so-called Escuela de Madrid, and pupils were Carlos Giménez and Esteban Maroto.

More comic art by Manuel Lopez Blanco :