In Zenitram  's collection
Superbe feuille d'étude par BUZZELLI - Original Illustration

Superbe feuille d'étude par BUZZELLI

Original Illustration
Mixed Media


La feuille est somptueuse tellement le dessin est superbe...j'adore ce type de document
peut-être pour "Zil Zelub", parue dans Charlie Mensuel, 1972 ?

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About Guido Buzzelli

Guido Buzzelli, the son of a painter, made his artistic debut at the age of nineteen, when his first caricatures were published in the newspaper Argentovivo. During the next ten years, he worked in comics, specializing in making cover illustrations for publications such as 'Raff Poigno d'Acciaco' and adventure series like 'Flash Gordon' and 'The Phantom'.