In TAYABIS  's collection
Strip original by Albert Georges Badert - Comic Strip

Strip original

Comic Strip
47 x 15 cm (18.5 x 5.91 in.)


Un strip original de Badert, qui a du être publié dans un journal (lequel ?) et quand ? et de quel personnage s'agit-il ?

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About Albert Georges Badert

At the age of 17, Albert-Georges Badert met the legendary comics artist Louis Forton. Forton encouraged him to pursue a career in art and introduced him to the Offenstadt brothers. Badert then went to work as an illustrator for Offenstadt publications like Parisiana (1934), La Vie de Garnison (1937), L'Épatant with 'Les Aventures de Dodoche et Tatave' (1937) and L'As with 'La Famille Alacoque' (1938). It was in October 1938 when he succeeded Artistide Perré on Louis Forton's 'Pieds Nickelés' strip. Badert worked on 'Pieds Nickelés' until the breakout of World War II. Badert eliminated the villainous side of the characters and transformed them into gentlemen. After the War, it was René Pellos who continued the comic. During the War, Badert worked as an illustrator for Radio Nationale and L'Alerte. He was also editor-in-chief of the pharmaceutical magazine Monsieur Purgon. Upon the Liberation, he modernized his style, edited the female review Quadrille, published the album 'Drôle d'Ère, became director of Tour à Tour and responsible for the theatre chronicles in L'Aurore. In 1950, he drew his final comic strip for Ici Paris, called 'Lililolu'. He then focused on a career as a journalist and illustrator. He retired in 1979, and passed away in December 1994. Text (c) Lambiek