Dans la collection de StormEmber
Don Lawrence, Storm 13: The Slayer of Eriban - Page 46 - Planche originale

Storm 13: The Slayer of Eriban - Page 46

Planche originale
30 x 40 cm (11.81 x 15.75 in.)


Absolute chaos during the Barsaman finale. Renter wasn't able to kill the King of Marrow after the reveal that he was actually Renter's father. Renter's mother is happy to have her son back, Renter is less enthousiastic. The king is still a bit in shock after the attempt on his life, while Renter's teacher looks on uninterested. Then also a soldier comes to warn about the revolt in jail. And meanwhile no one pays attention anymore to Storm, Ember (who is still under the influence of the drugged wine Renter gave her) and Nomad, who decide to leave the place...

Inscriptions / Signatures

Marked with "46" in the upper right corner

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A propos de Don Lawrence

Donald Southam Lawrence est un dessinateur anglais de bande dessinée. Lawrence est connu pour ses séries de science-fiction : L'Empire de Trigan, parue dans les hebdomadaires anglais Ranger (en) et Look and Learn (en), et Storm, publiée pour la première fois par l'hebdomadaire hollandais Eppo.