In Busch 's collection
Steve Canyon strip by Milton Caniff - Comic Strip

Steve Canyon strip

Comic Strip


Original art to the daily STEVE CANYON strip, dated July 22nd, 1955, from early in the second decade of the strip. This is MILTON CANIFF at the peak of his creative output, (with superb lettering by Frank Engli and possibly layouts by Dick Rockwell, Nephew of Norman Rockwell). This is a daily strip from late in the story Caniff titled ORDEAL FOR YOUNG LOVERS (May 1st to August 8th 1955). The Size is approximately 22 3/4" X 7 1/8". Steve and the US Navy Shore Patrolmen are in panel one, Gilberta Hall and Roy Himmerskorn are in panels two through four

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About Milton Caniff

Milton Arthur Paul Caniff is an American comic strip artist best known for his comic strips Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon. He is considered a master of black and white. He was the fourth author to be added to the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame in 1988.