Dans la collection de Mario1968
Spawn #100 rejected Cover ( Angela) , Ashley Wood - Couverture originale

Spawn #100 rejected Cover ( Angela) , Ashley Wood

Couverture originale
Encre de Chine


Ashley Wood's first designed version for the Spawn#100 variant.
after a mail contact with Ashley Wood he gave me the info it was the first designed and then rejected cover for #100,Todd thought he could do better one .....caramba carambita,rejected and non-published, whatever....it is a great Angela drawing by Ashley Wood and proposed for the Spawn #100 anniversary...and created by one of the best writer's-Neil Gaiman..........consequently for me good enough :-)

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A propos de Ashley Wood

Ashley Wood est un illustrateur, dessinateur australien. Wood est notamment connu pour ses illustrations de couvertures de comics et des jeux vidéo.

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