In BBFR  's collection
Projet de couverture Ratafia T2 - Salsedo - Original Cover

Projet de couverture Ratafia T2 - Salsedo

Original Cover
Colored Pencil
Xl Fantasmagorie T2


Projet de couverture du tome 2 de Ratafia.
A servi de support pour devenir l'exlibris Fantasmagories du tome 2
A la base, l'original était juste encré, j'ai demandé à Greg Salsedo s'il pouvait le mettre en couleur (crayons de couleur)
Dimension 28 x 19


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About Frédérik Salsedo

Born in Annecy, Frédérik Salsedo studied at the Emile Cohl School in Lyon and began his career working in the animation scene. He cooperated on productions like 'La Prophétie des Grenouilles' (2001) by J.-R. Girerd. In 2003 he made his debut in comics with 'Art Tatum', a jazz comic published by Nocturne. Between 2005 and 2008 he created five albums of the pirate comic 'Ratafia' with Nicolas Pothier at Treize Étrange, and he published a comic album about James Brown with Nocturne in 2005. Together with Olivier Jouvray, he made the graphic novel 'Nous ne serons jamais des héros', that was published by Le Lombard in 2010. For this same publisher, he teamed up with Olivier Jouvary to create the series 'Au Royaume des Aveugles' in 2012. The first book over 'Les Trois Grognards', his historical comic with Régis Hautière, was published by Casterman in 2016. Text (c) Lambiek