In Alkibiades 's collection
Didier Pagot, Alcante, Pandora Box (tome 8) - Sketch

Pandora Box (tome 8)


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About Didier Pagot

Didier Pagot started out in the comics world with the albums 'La Dame qui est une Rivière' and 'La Louve du Val d'Amour', which appeared in 1996 and 1997. After a juvenile album ('La Forêt de Nulle Part'), Pagot took on a semi-realistic style and took on the heroic fantasy 'Les Traine-Ténèbres' under the pseudonym Peter Nielsen. He then joined Humanoïdes Associés publishers, where he produced the 'Transgénèse' saga together with Anne Ploy and Loïc Malnati.