Dans la collection de mtlevy
Sal Buscema, Frank Giacoia, Nova 11 TItle Splash, 1977 - Œuvre originale

Nova 11 TItle Splash, 1977

Œuvre originale
Encre de Chine
28 x 38 cm (11.02 x 14.96 in.)


Title Splash from 1977 Nova 11 - Here Nova battles Powerhouse but the true threat is the Sphinx!

Inscriptions / Signatures



Well when I saw this Nova page pop up a few months back in Italy, I immediately reached out to Enrico as I knew where this page belonged - with the rest of Nova 11 - and I am well on the way to achieving that goal. Nova is a nostalgia hot spot for me and the Sphinx was a great villain/character with #11 a highlight of the Sphinx-Nova relationship.

After some time, a piece popped up on Hans site that enabled us to work a win-win trade deal!

I figured if this page was in Europe then maybe another 1-2 made it across the ocean...so if you have one please let me know so one day we may unite it with the others?!

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A propos de Sal Buscema

Sal Buscema (Silvio Buscema) est un dessinateur de comics. Vers le milieu des années 1960, il commence à encrer les planches de son frère John Buscema engagé en 1966 par Stan Lee pour Marvel Comics. Il quitte ensuite ce rôle et devient dessinateur pour de nombreuses séries de Marvel, en particulier : Captain America.