In Rapace72 's collection

"Nottingham" tome 1

Comic Strip


Benoit Dellac, planche originale 46 à l'encre de chine noire tirée de l'album NOTTINGHAM tome 1 paru aux éditions du Lombard.

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About Benoit Dellac

Benoît Dellac was born in a small village near Toulouse. Growing up reading classic Franco-Belgian comics as well as Marvel comics from the US, he enrolled at the École Pivaut in Nantes in 2004. He broke off his studies after two-and-a-half years, to pursue other projects. It was through his study companion Jean-Paul Bordier that he was introduced to scriptwriter Thierry Gloris in 2008. This resulted in the creation of Dellac's debut comic series 'Missi Dominici', that was published in three books by Vents d'Ouest from 2009 to 2012. Additionally, he was asked by Nicolas Jarry to illustrate his adaptation of the Roger Zelazny fantasy novel series 'The Chronicles of Amber'. Two books of 'Les Princes d'Ambre' were published in Soleil's Cherche Futurs collection in 2010 and 2011. Dellac has furthermore participated on a couple of collective albums, including Glénat's book about explorer Mary Kingsley in 2012. He drew the fourth book in the series 'Le cinquième évangile' by Jean-Luc Istin (Soleil, 2014) and then worked with Jean-Pierre Pécau at Delcourt on the fifth installment in the series 'L'Homme de l'année' ('1871', 2014) and the second of 'Lignes de front' ('Le Vol de l'Aigle', 2014). Text (c) Lambiek