In astrum  's collection
Nimbus by Henri Dufranne - Comic Strip


Comic Strip


Henri Dufranne à dessiné quelques bandes de Nimbus à la demande de Pierre Le Goff.

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About Henri Dufranne

Henri Dufranne is a French comic artist who for a long time worked mainly as an assistant for other artists, and is best known for taking over 'Gai-Luron' from Marcel Gotlib. Born in Paris, Dufranne began his career in 1964, drawing 'Thermogène' from scripts by Jean-Marie Pinçon in Record magazine. He then drew the adventures of the gondolier 'Tichioli' for the publishing house Aventures et Voyages, as well as several short stories for the SPE comic books Le Journal de Bibi Fricotin and Le Journal des Pieds Nickelés. In 1967 and 1968 he was present in Pilote as the artist of several short stories, which were written by Fred, Linus, Lob, Jean-Marc Reiser and René Goscinny. He additionally worked as an inker and letterer on the 'Martin Milan' comic by Christian Godard, which was published in Tintin, in the late 1960s. Text (c) Lambiek